
   Workforce Development is a strong focus in Fall River County. Trade programs and Career Tech Ed are highly valued at both the Technical College and High School levels. With Western Dakota Tech's regional approach, residents can earn certain licenses and certifications without ever leaving Fall River County. Residents choosing to travel the 50 minutes to Rapid City can receive degrees and certifications in some of the hottest careers in the country.
   In addition, three Fall River County Public Schools offer classes at Elementary, (pre-K to 5th), Middle School (6th-8th), and High School levels (9th - 12th). At all three, CTE (Career Tech Ed) and STEM are high priorities as are the dual credit/college prep offerings with many of our students choosing to post-secondary institutions upon graduation.


Established in 1968, Western Dakota Technical College is the only technical college that serves the western South Dakota region. The college delivers a personal, career-oriented education ideal for the student pursuing a meaningful profession and prideful future. Faculty, staff, and administration are committed to teaching the knowledge, skills, and behaviors students need to find be successful. Click on their logo to see all of the degree programs and certifications they offer.


Hot Springs School District
Work, Learn, Achieve, Celebrate....GO BISON!
Hot Springs High School serves 274 students in grades 9-12. The student/teacher ratio of 14:1 is equal to the SD average of 14:1Hot Springs 23-2 School District's 92% graduation rate is higher than the SD state average of 87%.

Bethesda Lutheran School

Grades PK, K-2 
Bethesda Lutheran School is a private, Christian elementary school located in Hot Springs, South Dakota, serving 20 students from preschool to 5th grade and a student/teacher ratio of 10:1. 

Edgemont School District

Edgemont Public Schools serve 162 students.  The student/teacher ratio is 7:1. The school system utilizes district-wide Mass Customized learning for curriculum delivery.  The graduation rate is 100%. 

Oelrichs School District 

is committed to providing a positive place for our students to grow and learn life skills for SUCCESS!

Welcome to the​​​​​​ Home of the Tigers

At Oelrichs High School , the student body of 151, with a student/teacher ratio of 9:1 

Regional Higher Education
Southern Black Hills... 
businesses enjoy access to a wide range of highly skilled workers. An average of 11,000 students are enrolled in the regional institutions each year, providing a steady stream of graduates who are ready to go to work.
Enrollment of students at these regional colleges/universities within 75 miles of Hot Springs:

          Chadron State College................................................... 
          South Dakota School of Minds & Technology......................... 
          Black Hills State University..................................................... 
          Western Dakota Tech..............................................................

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